Waste Recycling

Waste and recycling

The principal means of municipal waste disposal in the UK has traditionally been landfill. In Cambridge over 40% of municipal waste is now diverted from landfill via composting and recycling. We promote the segregation of wastes for recycling at source, to ensure a clean recyclate which is easy to process. We also ensure that we apply the reuse - reuse - recycle hierarchy in all of our activities.

In order to comply with the requirements of the European Landfill Directive, England and Wales must landfill no more than about 12 million tonnes of biodegradable municipal waste by 2009/10, 8 million tonnes by 2012/13 and 5.5 million tonnes by 2019/20.

Cambridge Eco Ltd are experts in the field of recycling source segregated organic waste via composting and anaerobic digestion. Once the organic waste has been processed, any remaining solids or liquids can be used as soil conditioner. For further details please click here.


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